Panhellenic Chemistry Conference

Athens, Greece

This year our conference has an anniversary character, since the Association of Greek Chemists is celebrating 100 years of life and activity.

A multifaceted activity in all fields with the ultimate goal of always promoting the science of chemistry in industry, technology, education and research, as well as its utilization for the independent economic, social and cultural development of the country. We are transforming the conference, opening it to international participation to bring together researchers from all over the world. We could therefore not have chosen a better title for our conference than "Chemistry for a Better World"

At a time when humanity is already facing the harsh face of challenges due to overpopulation, climate change, epidemics, resource depletion and so many others, chemistry as a central science of life and nature is called upon to play a central, timely and urgent role in addressing these challenges. At the same time, scientists are called upon to put the brakes on the indiscriminate use of chemistry, which often leads to undesirable results, and to focus on 'Green Chemistry' and its contribution to the sustainable development of humanity. The topics of the conference will include...

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