36th MAX IV User Meeting
Topics Include
- New Beamline Proposal Process
- MAX IV Strategy: Transformative Science Area Objectives
- MAX4U Accelerator Upgrade: Scientific Opportunities
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Magnus Berggren, Director of Wise, Linköping University
Invited Speakers
Dr Paul Zieger, Stockholm University – Environment
Prof. Sattish Myeni, Princeton – Environment
Prof. Oscar Tjernberg, KTH – Quantum Materials
Dr Marc Simon, LCPMR, CNRS and Sorbonne Université – Low Density Matter
Prof. Ruth Brenk, Bergen University – Drug Discovery and Formulation
Prof. Dave Adams, Glasgow University – In-situ and operando studies at MAX IV
Prof. Dorthe Ravnsbaek, Aarhus University – In-situ and operando studies at MAX IV
Dr. Simon Bare, SLAC – In-situ and operando studies at MAX IV
Dr Foivos Perakis, Stockholm University – MAX 4U
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