New XPS-ARPES System for the University of Bremen to strengthen their studies on modern semi-conductor materials
SPECS is proud to present an installation of a new XPS-ARPES module in the Solid State Materials group of Prof. Martin Eickhoff at the University of Bremen. The module was fully integrated with existing MBE- and ALD deposition modules via a linear transfer system supplied by RIBER with its customized- and motorized manipulator that can take special 3” sample holders straight from the transfer system.
The XPS-ARPES system consists of a state-of-the-art PHOIBOS 100 energy analyzer with 2D detector a high performance monochromated X-ray source FOCUS 500 with Al/Ag dual anode, a robust UVS 10/35 UV source, and the ErLEED 150 Low Energy Electron Diffraction spectrometer to allow full sample characterization.
We would like to thank Prof. Eickhoff and his team for collaborating with us in this exciting project and trust in SPECS for the seamless integration of the system into his cluster.