System upgrades are becoming an increasingly important topic in the market. We are specialized in this.
Researchers with limited budgets or older systems often do not have the opportunity to buy a new system. We offer the possibility of upgrading to the latest analytical methods and state-of-the-art components, even without having to buy a completely new system.
As an example we would like to present a project from Calabria, Italy. The first collaboration between SPECS and the Universita della Calabria started already in 2014. At that time, a system base was commissioned that would integrate the existing components and extend the system with a SPECS Aarhus STM. This project was successfully implemented and has been in operation now for many years. In 2021, the team wanted to modernize this system from the ground up and equip it with the latest components. For this purpose, a project was set up to equip the system with a new custom ยต-metal chamber and the latest analytical tools, a PHOIBOS 150 2D-CMOS, a FOCUS 500 X-ray monochromator, a UVS 300 UV source, an IQE 12/38 and an EQ 22/35.
In October 2022, this project was finalized and installed with great success and now offers our customer Dr. Tommaso Caruso and his team completely new possibilities in surface analysis. The conversion of the system was done in one single installation.
What is the secret of this success? Upgrade projects are managed by the most experienced personnel from Customer Service. The concepts of such upgrades are directly supported with a high level of experience around existing systems and in project management. Researchers are integrated in this process and drawing and conceptual designs are reviewed and discussed with them online. A focused process allows us to realize such projects with great success and in a short time.
We are happy to discuss your potential system upgrade with you.