SPECS-TII Inc. grows in staff

As we continue to closely monitor COVID-19 impacts across the country, our commitment and dedication to our customers has never been greater. Navigating the transition to in-person gatherings and on-site visitations has inspired us to expand and provide flexible support options to accommodate customer preferences.

To promote this goal, we are pleased to announce a recent addition to our growing team: Dr. Tim Boyle, Field Service Engineer. Tim earned his PhD at the University of California, Davis, while working with Prof. Eduardo da Silva Neto at Yale University as a Visiting Assistant. In his new role, Tim will perform installations, maintenance visits, repairs, and ensure customer instrumentation is running at maximum performance. He joins an experienced team that upholds the renowned, high-quality principles our customers have come to expect.

As always, our service team is only a click, call, or email away to provide technical support you can trust.

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