Special Components Offer to our customers in North America


We constantly enhance capabilities, efficiency, and dependability of our well-proven components for surface science. In this way, we have established ourselves over the years as one of the leading suppliers in this field. Our latest improvement has taken place with the introduction of the COSCON power supply series, a fully computer-controlled design, common for many of our particle and photon sources.

We are happy to announce that our US representative SPECS-TII Inc. uses this as an occasion to dedicate the first cycle of a new component sales campaign. Scientists in North America can now purchase the first two COSCON controlled components for a special price: the IQE 11/35 and the FG 22/35.
Find here the US sales campaign and take advantage of the Spring Discount.

If you want to stay informed about similar sales campaigns, events or developments happening in your country, just add the country information to your newsletter subscription to receive regional newsletters in the future.

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