More LUTs, tip move functions and support for multiprobe systems.
While most measurement instruments are fitted with some sort of API, Nanonis scripting is unique as the scripts run on a real-time system. This means up to 20’000 commands per second and, most importantly, a constant command timebase of 50 µs derived from the master clock of the system.
As scripts are deployed to the real-time system before execution, and as such all values for the commands need to be specified before deploying the script. Look-up tables (LUTs) are a simple and effective way to define all values for commands, and their number has been increased from 1 to 4. The option to switch on and off the now up to 8 PI-controllers has also been added.
Additional functionality has been included in the SPM-version of the module: the SPM tip can be moved using a script by specifying its target coordinates. For a multiprobe system, all Z-controllers can now be switched on or off, and the bias voltages for each tip can be set individually.
These new features are available for Software V5 and V5e for both Nanonis Mimea and Nanonis Tramea, and releases R11665 or above (April 2022). A license for the scripting module is required to use these features.