First Spin-ARPES system in Spain has been installed at the University of Valencia, Materials Science Institute (ICMUV)

We are happy to announce the first successful installation of a ProvenX-ARPES System in Spain

Prof. Juan Francisco Sanchez Royo and his research team from ICMUV have received a multi-tool ARPES instrument integrating the Phoibos 150 with 2D CMOS and 3D Spin VLEED detector, the Ganymed LHe manipulator, a UVS 300 UV source, a microfocus X-ray source µ-FOCUS 500, with a full scale UHV preparation chamber.

In the future we are ready to upgrade the system with an ASTRAIOS 190 2D CMOS and 3D (2D) Spin VLEED detector as well as a µFOCAL capability of the UVS 300 to reach the most outstanding ARPES performance.

We would like to thank Prof. Juan Francisco Sanchez Royo and his group for their trust and support.

The video above shows some impressions of the installation process and the responsible group at University of Valencia.

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