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Gas-Solid Interfaces

The reaction of gases with solid at their interfaces can be characterized by NAP-XPS.




NAP-XPS analysis of an in-situ grown ice film
NAP-XPS analysis of an in-situ grown ice film
NAP-XPS studies of in-situ grown thin ice films are easily possible with standard laboratory backfilling systems equipped with cooling capabilities, e.g., a Peltier cooler, providing fundamental insights into physical, chemical, and biological processes.
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Non-destructive depth profiling by Variable Energy PARXPS (VE-PARXPS)
Non-destructive depth profiling by Variable Energy PARXPS (VE-PARXPS)
Parallel angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (PARXPS) is a powerful tool for obtaining non-destructive depth profiles of layered thin-film samples. In this study, PARXPS was used in combination with variable energy excitation utilizing the three-color X-ray source μFOCUS 450 to probe thin oxide and nitride films in various information depths.
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Operando NAP-XPS study of plasma-enhanced surface reactions
Operando NAP-XPS study of plasma-enhanced surface reactions
First results of an operando NAP-XPS experiment on a silver surface during an air plasma cleaning process are presented. The observed chemical changes are plasma-induced and monitored under working conditions.
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Investigation of Polymers and Plastics with EnviroESCA
Investigation of Polymers and Plastics with EnviroESCA
This application note describes how EnviroESCA can be used to analyze the surface of polymers and bulk insulating material. EnviroESCAs ability to perform X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) at non vacuum conditions shows its main advantage when being applied to insulating material. Specimens that tend to charge up under vacuum conditions and need to be extensive charge compensated with expensive low energy electron and low energy ion sources can be measured with ease and without the problem of overcompensation.
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Investigation of Hydrogel Contact Lenses with EnviroESCA
Investigation of Hydrogel Contact Lenses with EnviroESCA
In this application note we analyze the surface of water filled hydrogels with EnviroESCA, Here, contact lenses serve as an example for medical and biomaterials. The advantage of such investigations under non ultrahigh vacuum conditions is demonstrated and results from wet and dry samples are compared.
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XPS surface analysis of Zeolites with EnviroESCA
XPS surface analysis of Zeolites with EnviroESCA
In this note we demonstrate how the surface of Clinoptilolite, a natural zeolite, can be analysed with EnviroESCA. It describes how the Environmental Charge Compensation can be used to compensate for charging of the sample surface to be able to measure X-ray Photoelectron Spectra with ease.
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Investigation of a Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) with EnviroESCA
Investigation of a Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) with EnviroESCA
In this study we show how EnviroESCA can be used to analyze the surface of superabsorbent polymers under different environmental conditions. EnviroESCA’s ability to perform X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) under ambient conditions shows its main advantage when being applied to insulating material that change their surface (chemistry) when they come in contact with different liquids and gases - in this case water. Specimens that tend to charge up under vacuum conditions can be measured with ease.
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XPS surface analysis of cuttlefish bone samples with EnviroESCA
XPS surface analysis of cuttlefish bone samples with EnviroESCA
Biological mineral samples from a cuttlefish (sepia) were studied using EnviroESCA. The results of surface chemical analysis of the native and ion implantation treated samples are presented. Neutralization of the insulating biomaterial is accomplished by Environmental Charge Compensation enabling X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) on tissue samples.
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XPS surface analysis of V2O5 upon heating with EnviroESCA
XPS surface analysis of V2O5 upon heating with EnviroESCA
This application note presents how EnviroESCA can be used to analyze samples during heating under near ambient pressure conditions using various gas atmospheres. Such investigations of surfaces at elevated temperatures and pressures are of paramount importance for catalysis in nature and industry.
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Corrosion study of a paper clip in vinegar with EnviroESCA
Corrosion study of a paper clip in vinegar with EnviroESCA
In this note we present (N)AP XPS results from the first comparative ex-situ and operando corrosion study on the reaction of commercial paper clips in concentrated vinegar solution containing 25% acetic acid.
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