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PHOIBOS 150 with 2D-CMOS and 3D(2D) Spin VLEED Detector
Kinetic Energy Range

0-3500 eV in PES
0-1500 eV in SpinPES

Pass Energies

0-550 eV Continously Adjustable
0-200 eV in Spin Detector Channel

Energy Dispersion


Lens Modes

Transmission Mode, Angular Resolved Mode, Magnification (Lateral Resolved) Mode

Measurement Modes

Snapshot Mode, Sweeping Mode, Fixed Energy Mode


2D CMOS Detector
3D Spin VLEED Detector


8 entrance and 3 exit slits and iris aperture

Energy Window

13% of Pass Energy


HSA 3500 +

Working Pressure

10-11 to 10-7 mbar

Energy Resolution

< 1.8 meV in UPS
< 10  meV in Spin Channel

Angular Resolution

< 0.1° in ARPES Mode
< 0.15° in Spin Mode



Acceptance Angle

±15°, ±7°, ±4° and ±3° in ARPES Mode

Smallest Acceptance Spot

100 µm

XPS Count Rates UHV

> 0.5 Mcps @ 0.85 eV and > 1.5 Mcps @ 1.00 eV FWHM

Lateral Resolution

< 35 µm

Detector Channels

1285 x 730 (with Channel Binning)

Sherman Function /FoM

Sherman Function: 0.28

Working Distance

40 mm

Mounting Flange

DN100CF (6" OD)

Magnetic Shielding

Double µ-Metal Shielding

Electric Isolation

> 10 keV

Product details
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