Near Ambient Pressure (NAP) Option for RHD-30 allows the RHEED Gun to be used in Higher Pressure (up to 1 mbar) Applications, like PLD, CVD, Magnetic Sputtering and Reaction MBE
This product is discontinued
NAP-RHEED is a NAP option for RHD-30. The RHEED gun can be equipped with one or two differential pumping stages and a RHD-NAP extension with beam tube (length can be customized) including mini-RHEED screen aperture and clamp flange holder for operation of the RHEED gun up to chamber pressures of 1 mbar for applications, like PLD, CVD, magnetic sputtering and reaction MBE. The system consists of the RHEED gun, the power supply and a remote control for convenient adjustment of the beam parameters when viewing the RHEED screen. Factory alignment of the gun ensures that filament replacement is very straightforward with the minimum of alignment required. Full control of the grid voltage (Wehnelt) allows electronic aperturing of the beam and independent control of spot size and intensity unlike self- or auto-bias designs. Focusing and deflection elements are external to the vacuum and hence immune to coating by materials in the vacuum which can cause instability in electrostatic focus and deflection systems. Built in beam blanking allows the beam to be turned off without disturbing the HV and filament settings for rapid recovery of the diffraction pattern when required and is often used to minimise the electron load on the sample.Such accessories as manipulator for easy adjustment of the RHEED gun, gate valve between chamber and RHEED gun for independent venting and special imaging screen set for NAP applications are available for cofortable handling.

Tungsten hairpin filament for RHD30/FG22
Exchange RHEED Screen (Al 6") Aluminium coated, DN 100 CF (6"). For higher intensity, use with energies > 8 kV

Exchange RHEED Screen (Al 8") Aluminium coated, DN 160 CF (8"). For higher intensity, use with energies > 8 kV

Exchange RHEED Screen (ITO 8"). ITO coated, DN 160 CF (8"). Suitable for lower energies.