The KREIOS 150 on the Edge of Semi Conductor Research

We proudly announce the installation of the first KREIOS system in applied industry research at the Imec Attolab in Leuven

The first SPECS KREIOS 150 electron momentum spectrometer has been installed at the Attolab at Imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies in Leuven, Belgium. We are proud to participate in the research for the next generation semiconductor development, together with our partners from KM Labs. The Attolab hosts the KREIOS 150 electron momentum spectrometer combined to a high end HHG laser source for ultrafast photoemission experiments.  

The AttoLab is an environment for the development and characterization of lithography processes towards the 8 nm target of modern microelectronics. SPECS is part of this research environment to investigate the challenges of EUV irradiation to ever smaller structures.

Revolutionizing material characterization to support future semiconductor device fabrication

Table-top high-harmonic generation sources feeding industry-relevant characterization needs

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