Science Mug Contest 2020

And the winner is...

In Fall 2019 we asked you to submit results taken with components or systems from SPECS, Nanonis or Enviro. Thank you all for participating. Finally we could not resist to take two submissions onto our cups for 2020, one taken with the proven SPECS STM 150 Aarhus and one taken with the classic SPECS ErLEED 150. So, the winners are....

Zuned Ahmed, who made STM topographic images from a Bi2Se3 topological insulator at the Department of Physic, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea.


Steven Forti, who made LEED studies on hydrogen-etched sapphire (0001) surfaces at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Pisa, which are published in Small 2019, 15, 1904906.

Congratulations. Boths have received their packages with the mugs for their laboratories already and are enjoying their hot (or cold) drinks from cups with their own reference on.

The mugs are available for all visitors in our boothes, once the organization of conferences and workshops is safe again.

If you also like a mug with your own results from a SPECS, Nanonis or Enviro instrument on, stay tuned. For sure the next call is going to come...

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