Reliability with a maintenance contract

At SPECS, we are happy to work with our customers and their systems, even years after installation. One of our primary goals is to keep these systems at full performance by regularly maintaining, calibrating, and updating them with the latest software. Our preventive maintenance contracts have been designed with this goal in mind.
We would like to emphasize the importance of regular maintenance of the systems, as it is the key to a long and successful life!
An excellent example of such successful collaboration between our customers and SPECS is at the Instituto de Catalisis and Petroleoquimica - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas in Madrid, Spain. The Institute's main mission is to develop new technological solutions in the field of catalysis that contribute to the Improvement of citizen quality of life and increase the competitiveness of the chemical industry within the field of Green Chemistry. The Institute works on the development of advanced catalysts (both inorganic and enzymatic processes) and innovative chemistry along three main lines: energy, environmental protection, and selective synthesis of chemical compounds.
SPECS installed a complex XPS system for these tasks in 2007, which has been under a preventive maintenance contract since 2009. Despite its complex design, the system has been operating since installation with almost no downtime, is always up-to-date, and delivers sustainable scientific results.
The last preventive visit took place in May 2021 and the SPECS system is ready to operate for many more years.
At SPECS, we are so confident in the concept of preventive maintenance that we offer this service free of charge for all new SPECS systems during the warranty period.
We look forward to working with you on joint projects!

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