Continuous development of Nanonis Tramea

Recently, Tramea received many enhanced functionalities

Nanonis Tramea™ is the only integrated solution for quantum transport measurements capable of replacing a full traditional measurement rack by a small footprint device with superior performance and higher flexibility.

Nanonis Tramea™ provides advanced signal processing and optimization, fast data acquisition, a powerful GUI and a high degree of customization. It's a powerful framework which can be further adapted and extended with a wide range of add-on modules. It can also easily be integrated within existing measurement software suites.

The intrinsic advantage of a software-based solution like Nanonis Tramea™ is that it improves with time, as new features and functionalities are continuously developed and added to the software with free updates. The following main functionalities have been added since the first release of the instrument, in addition to several other smaller features which are not in the list:

  • High-speed sweep module
  • Multi-axis sweep
  • Immediate display
  • Up to 100 M points
  • All signals directly visible
  • Custom views
  • Support for Oxford Triton
  • Support for American Magnetics
  • Available lock-in low-pass filters can be used as generic low-pass filters for other signals
  • Sync output for every lock-in signal generator
  • Demodulation of all signals via lock-in, including those from another lock-in (tandem demodulation)
  • Up to 8 FPGA-based
  • Up to 4 LUTs and on/off switching of generic PI controllers via scripting
  • New ultra-high input impedance, low noise, remote controllable multichannel voltage amplifier MCVA5
  • Remote control of up to 4 FEMTO preamplifiers and/or 2 MCVA5 preamplifiers (4 preamplifiers in total)

In addition to all these software improvements, an ultra-high input impedance, low noise, remote controllable 4-channel, differential voltage amplifier (MCVA5) is now also available as an accessory to Nanonis Tramea™. The MCVA5 offers over 10 TΩ input impedance, ultra-low input bias current, lowest noise, large bandwidth and high CMRR. All functions are comfortably controlled from the measurement software, which also takes care of correct signal calibrations based on preamplifier gain.

Up to 2 MCVA5 can be remotely controlled, offering 8 differential channels of state-of-the-art preamplification.

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