Improved cloud mode spectroscopy

The cloud spectroscopy mode has been significantly improved, now supporting an unlimited number of points as well as translation, rotation and scaling of the cloud of points. 

Base package BP5e – The cloud spectroscopy mode was originally designed to handle a relatively small number of spectroscopy locations, with the grid-spectroscopy mode being the main method for acquiring large spectroscopy datasets.

With the advent of new spectroscopy methods, it is sometimes necessary to acquire several thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of spectroscopy points. Moreover, the point pattern might need to be kept the same across several measurements and samples, thus requiring a rotation of the pattern to match the sample orientation as well as scaling and translation to position it at the desired location.

The new cloud spectroscopy mode now supports an unlimited number of spectroscopy locations, and speeds up the process of loading and deleting points and patterns by several orders of magnitude. Moreover, it supports on the fly rotation, translation and scaling.

As it would be impossible to display a 6-digit number of spectroscopy locations, the boundary of the pattern is always displayed, ensuring that the area within which all points are located is easily recognizable. 

This improvement is available for all V5 and V5e users (V5: since release R9105, V5e: since release R9130)

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