Extended Trade-in offer for Nanonis BP3 and BP4

SPECS is happy to announce that the trade-in offer for older Nanonis SPM control system base packages has been extended to all BP3 and BP4 systems, irrespective of their age or condition.

The offer includes a new Nanonis Mimea BP5e at a significantly reduced price in exchange for the existing generation 3 or 4 base packages. The offer is no longer limited to a given serial number range, and both functioning and non-functioning controllers are eligible for a trade-in.

With this offer, we want to give our loyal Nanonis BP3 and BP4 customers access to the newest generation software and hardware, and thus to significantly improved experimental capabilities. All of this comes at a very attractive price point.

The Nanonis OC4, as well as high-voltage instruments and adaptation kits can be reused with the BP5e.

Nanonis Mimea BP5e
Nanonis Mimea BP5e: Realtime Controller, Signal Conversion unit and Nanonis software.

Just to name few of the features

The Mimea BP5e is a substantial upgrade compared to the BP3 and BP4, both in terms of hardware performance and software features and usability. Some of the benefits provided by the Mimea BP5e are:

  • Over one order of magnitude improvement in hardware performance (noise, drift, resolution, precision, linearity, bandwidth)
  • Up to 100x faster scanning and spectroscopy (1 Mpix/s)
  • Completely redesigned FPGA-based signal processing and improved multi-lock-in architecture
  • Redesigned PLL with improved signal processing and extended functionality
  • Up to 128 internal signals instead of 24
  • Customization options extended with a generic API (Python, Matlab, C++,…) and scripting on the real-time system
  • Completely redesigned user interface
  • Hardware easily expandable to 40 outputs and 24 inputs and to a multiprobe control system

This list highlights some of the largest improvements and added capabilities.For a fully comprehensive list of added features and full specifications, please refer to the Mimea product page and the Mimea BP5e product page.

Further information about this offer can be found here:

- Upgrade from BP4

- Upgrade from BP3

Please find detailed information about Mimea, Mimea BP5e as well as the simulator for V5e software here.

Please feel free to contact us directly or via our representatives for further information and offer. We will be very happy to answer all your questions and discuss your experimental requirements in more details. 

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