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High-resolution oscilloscope module

Highest resolution in the time and frequency domain

High resolution oscilloscope and FFT
Front panel of the high resolution oscilloscope and FFT module
High resolution oscilloscope and FFT module
Front panel of the high resolution oscilloscope and FFT module
High resolution oscilloscope and FFT module
Front panel of the high resolution oscilloscope and FFT module
High resolution oscilloscope module
Front panel of the high resolution oscilloscope and FFT module, FFT hidden
4-channel high resolution oscilloscope module
Front panel of the 4-channel high resolution oscilloscope module

Time-resolved measurements are of key importance when dynamic processes need to be understood. Yet, for processes taking place in us to ms timeframes, the typical oscilloscopes used for the purpose lack the combination of dynamic range, resolution and noise performance, and due to the lack of integration with data acquisition, triggering can be cumbersome.

The high-resolution oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer module overcome these limitations thanks to the precise and low-noise 18-bit inputs of the TSC and the tight integration into the Nanonis software. For precise analysis in the frequency domain, the 500’000 points FFT ideally complements the oscilloscope and transforms the module into a full-featured signal analyzer. 


  • 4 traces with individual scaling
  • Up to 1 million points per trace (user selectable), 1 MS/s sampling rate, 100 kHz analog bandwidth
  • Measurement time from 32 us to 17 minutes, variable oversampling up to 1024x
  • No need for input range adjustments: 18-bit resolution at 1 MS/s (22-bit at 1 kS/s) and lowest-noise input stage
  • No data loss thanks to pre-triggering. Triggering on analog signals and digital lines
  • 500’000-point FFT for precise frequency determination and noise analysis
  • Continuous data saving


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